2025 Rookie Rugby Information:

Registration OPENS March 1, 2025 - Please click the link below


The Rookie Rugby program returns for the 2025 Summer season starting the week of June 9. The six week season includes up to 5 Sunday tournaments. The age groups are: K-1st grades, 2-3rd grades, 4-5th grades and 6-7th grades. Register by May 31st for a team tee-shirt and rugby ball.

Rookie Rugby is a fun way for young kids to get a first introduction to the fast-growing, great sport of rugby. It is a co-ed, non-contact, "touch" form of rugby using flags. Skills including running, kicking, passing, space strategy and teamwork are developed.

The TeamSnap registration process offers a "Registration Saver" insurance option. We don't endorse this insurance option. In the event refunds are necessary, refunds will be provided, so registration insurance is not necessary for this program.

Questions?? Please contact us at:  drfcinformation@gmail.com

Thanks, DRFC Board

DRFC Rookie Rugby 9-2022